Upgrade to Premium for $29.99 per year ($2.50 per month). That's 50% off!

The core version of Lifecraft is free. To go Premium, simply launch Lifecraft on your iPhone, iPad, or Mac and choose Settings > Premium. Lifecraft Premium will automatically be activated on your other devices. Learn how to upgrade >

Available on iOS and macOS Checkmark Checkmark
3-phase encryption Checkmark Checkmark
Calendar dashboard Checkmark Checkmark
Location capture Checkmark Checkmark
Menu bar Quick Entry Checkmark Checkmark
Searching Checkmark Checkmark
Rich text formatting Checkmark Checkmark
Import from rich text format Checkmark Checkmark
Import from Day One Checkmark Checkmark
Export to rich text format Checkmark Checkmark
Printing Checkmark Checkmark
# entries per day Unlimited Unlimited
Photo & movie attachments per entry 1 Unlimited
Hierarchical journals 1 Unlimited
iCloud sync No checkmark Checkmark
Emotion tracking & reporting No checkmark Checkmark
Zee Intelligent Assistant No checkmark Checkmark
Privacy Shield No checkmark Checkmark
Tags & favorites No checkmark Checkmark
Weather capture No checkmark Checkmark

Get started today with your free trial!

With Lifecraft, you'll discover a calmer, more empowered you. Go Premium to unleash your full potential. In short, going Premium will help you reinvent yourself, conquer your setbacks, leap tall buildings in a single bound, and live boldly.